Hi, Lots of answers! Cheers to all... original question and summation follows... Regards, GREG... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINAL QUESTION: Hi, Just a quick question. Is there an application in the ESRI-sphere that will allow me to 'rubber sheet' non-orthorectified images so that they are? (i.e., based on a series of known coordinates for known locations on the image.) AutoCAD Overlay is $1,375 and for that money I may as well get a more GIS-orientated product. TIA! Greg... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: - if you have Spatial Analyst, Jeffrey Lindhorst suggested the extension ImageWarp, as did Nicholas Lindenberg - it is by Kenneth R McVay and can be found at Arcscripts (an older version does not need SA) - Nicholas also suggested ArcInfo's Register and Rectify commands - Alan Shriver suggested ShapeWarp off the ESRI support page but confirmed Image Analyst as a better solution - Robin Tamasi and Alan said spending $500 for RasTools (http://members.aol.com/MapTools/) would give an excellent 'value for money' result - Catriona Dryden and Susan Zwillinger suggest ERDAS Imagine as the sledge hammer to do all of this work to the best accuracy - Gregory Slater, Nicholas, etc suggested Image Analyst as the ESRI solution of preference - but with the cost... Susan Zwillinger notes that IA will not do true orthorectification, but can rectify, warp and 'rubber sheet' - with a better result if the terrain is flatter - Bob Johnson suggests the package 'The Engine 2' will do this and much more (http://www.rmjohnsoncompany.com/BobsPlace/engine/)